Arthur Ellipsis Choque left the lucrative and rewarding world of cat herding to toil in the darkened confines of a long abandoned cold war listening post on the western shores of these United States. Between blog posts he sells corn dogs and funnel cake up front and does Vacuum repair in the back.
On these pages are contained the unscripted, unfunded, purely individual, observations of his sleep deprived mind. It is his commentary on the state of the world as he sees it. These observations are…
Oh, who are we kidding? It’s a rant. I like the sound of “commentary” better, but it’s a rant…
Art E. Choque is a wholly owned subsidiary and imaginary friend of Brion Allen; a writer of no particular importance in the minds or machinations of thinking, sentient people anywhere. But he tries…
I don’t know about the corn dogs but I do love funnel cakes.