“It doesn’t matter, he’s dying anyway…”
So says the Trump Administration’s press office staffer Kelly Riddell Sadler to a shocked and chagrined group of PR staff assembled at the White House. Comments that came to light on May 10th 2018. That sickening statement was made in reference to Senator John McCain when the previous day, he released a public statement regarding the administration’s nominee for the office of Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Gina Haspel. Haspel was the Agent In Charge of a CIA “black site” that utilized torture in the interrogation of it’s prisoners during the Iraq war.
In his remarks in response to Haspel’s testimony before the Senate, McCain stated that even as he believes that Haspel was a patriot… “her past work at the CIA overseeing interrogation programs was disturbing. Her refusal to acknowledge torture’s immorality is disqualifying,” McCain further said in his statement: “I believe the Senate should exercise its duty of advise and consent and reject this nomination.”
Various commentators have remarked that even though Trump did not himself make the remarks attributed to Sadler, it wasn’t beyond comprehension to believe that the statement was in keeping with other remarks of a similar tone that he has himself made about the Senator from Arizona.
My view is that if Kelly Riddell Sadler remains in her position within the Trump administration after making these remarks, then Donald Trump has indeed made, or at the very least, endorsed these reprehensible statements.
Kelly Sadler is about 43 years old. In those years, through efforts such as her craven public commentary fueling racial and cultural discord in claiming that philanthropist George Sorros paid millions of dollars to bankroll the potesters in Ferguson MO and her inflammatory and exaggerated statements about the so-called threat and criminal nature of undocumented immigrants, she has managed to find her way to a position in a White House that is noted primarily for its bigotry, dishonesty, and blatant corruption.
For comparison, let me provide a brief timeline of the accomplishments of John McCain by the time he had reached his forties.
By the time John McCain was Kelly Sadler’s age he had:
- already graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1958 and followed his father and grandfather—both four-star admirals—into the U.S. Navy.
- He became a naval aviator and flew ground-attack aircraft from aircraft carriers.
- During the Vietnam War, he was almost killed in the 1967 USS Forrestal fire.
- While McCain was on a bombing mission over Hanoi in October 1967, he was shot down, seriously injured, and captured by the North Vietnamese.
- He was tortured repeatedly by his North Vietnamese captors as a prisoner of war for over 5 years, refusing offers to be sent home until those that had been captured before him were also released.
- He was finally freed in 1973.
- The injuries that he received during his time as a POW were crippling and permanent, preventing him from doing things that many of us, including Kelly Sadler, take for granted, such as combing his own hair and dressing himself unassisted.
The truth is that there is very little of John McCain’s life that could be appropriately characterized with the phrase “it doesn’t matter…”
The truth is that although I have radically different political views from his and I strongly disagree with him on many issues, I can say without hesitation that John McCain has and is still, living a life of tremendous import and consequence. His sacrifice and effort has made life in this country better in many ways for the people of this nation and he has done so with grace and humility.
Yes, John McCain is dying, and so are you Ms. Sadler, so are you. You would do well to remember the direction in which all flesh is headed. One of the many frustrating indignities in that sad truth is the likelihood that John McCain, a hero to all Americans with the mental capacity to realize it, will shuffle off this mortal coil before you. When that sad day dawns and we are all left to remember him with reverence and respect, we can and will be thankful for having had him at all.
But here’s the thing Kelly…
After all the years of your sad little life are utterly spent, will a grateful nation mourn your passing in the way that we will all mourn the passing of John McCain?
Will historians and statesmen laud your sacrifice and your courage in the face of adversity that most of us, or more precisely, that you, cannot possibly imagine?
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say: No, they will not.
Sleep well Kelly.