Alternative Fact Alert: General Michael Flynn promoted to new position…

…as the Field Director of the Trump Administration’s Office of Islamic Outreach. The offices of which will be located at the site of the Notorious “Bowling Greene Massacre”

In other fake news; KellyAnne Conway announced the grand opening of a new chain of  face stretching clinics that will specialize in using her patented techniques for maintaining that wax-like appearance that she is known for. The company slogan will be;

“You will be telling lies with a straight face, with a little help from KellyAnne…”

She will giving a 20 minute info-mercial for the clinics from the Brady Briefing Room at the White House. They will launch the grand opening with a “Donor Night” Gala Event.

Featured performers for the event will be Three Doors Down, The Washboard Guys and “Bullwinkle” the yodeling Basset Hound.

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