Author Archives: A. E. C.

Putin’s Gun

There is a great deal of speculation of late on the possible (make that probable…) invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces. Speculation of whether or not Vladimir Putin really intends to make good on his gambit of a military build … Continue reading

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No, of course not. It could never happen here…

You are absolutely right. I don’t know what I was thinking. “He” could never rise to power here. We should not utter his name. To do so is to rave. To do so is to make light of all of … Continue reading

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Sacrificial lamb, meet Judas goat

Recently there have been some Trumpist lunatics spouting nonsense about how people over 50 should be willing to sacrifice themselves “for the children” by going back to work and ignoring the difficult but critically necessary pandemic safety measures that have … Continue reading

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Bremain? Bregret?

The British people are at odds with themselves. They did something that they regret… …well, of course they did. Don’t we all…(well no, actually some of us don’t have regrets, and there is a name for them: Sociopaths). You see, … Continue reading

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Add Disgusting and Soulless Ghoul To the List of Impressive Credentials on Kelly Riddell Sadler’s LinkedIn Page…

“It doesn’t matter, he’s dying anyway…” So says the Trump Administration’s  press office staffer Kelly Riddell Sadler to a shocked and chagrined group of PR staff assembled at the White House. Comments that came to light on May 10th 2018. … Continue reading

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“Zero Chaos” It’s Not Only Donald Trump’s Characterization Of His Administration, It’s Also His Porn Name.

I have seen train-wrecks before but I have never seen one that lasted for 76 minutes. On Thursday, February 16th, Donald Trump gave his first solo press conference since being sworn in as President. I wish I could say that … Continue reading

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Hey Trumpsters! This is what “shaking things up” looks like!

Trump supporters recited the same answer over and over, like some insane parrot that had suffered head trauma, when asked why they were supporting Donald Trump for president; “I want someone who’s gonna shake things up…” So, mission accomplished! Your … Continue reading

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Alternative Fact Alert: General Michael Flynn promoted to new position…

…as the Field Director of the Trump Administration’s Office of Islamic Outreach. The offices of which will be located at the site of the Notorious “Bowling Greene Massacre” In other fake news; KellyAnne Conway announced the grand opening of a … Continue reading

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“She Was Warned…”

“…she was given an explanation, never the less, she persisted!” This admonishment was spoken by Mitch McConnell on the floor of the Senate when he invoked a provision of the arcane and seldom used “Rule 19” of the Standing Senate … Continue reading

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Who’s funding who?

Donald Trump likes to make threats about pulling federal funds from the UC college system because he doesn’t like the protests that are popping up in reaction to the fascist troll Milo Yiannopoulos who was scheduled to spew his bile … Continue reading

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