Sacrificial lamb, meet Judas goat

Recently there have been some Trumpist lunatics spouting nonsense about how people over 50 should be willing to sacrifice themselves “for the children” by going back to work and ignoring the difficult but critically necessary pandemic safety measures that have been implemented, in some warped and cult-like idea of saving the economy.

Ok, lets just set aside the inescapable facts that we have what is essentially a service economy and that our economy is only one part of a vast and interdependent global economy, and we’ll run with that line of COVIDiocy for a moment (which is a moment longer than it deserves).

Explain to me how that works exactly? I mean surely you have mapped it all out. Right? No? Well let me break it down for you.

You say that you want older people to go back to work to save the country for our kids, which apparently means that they say goodbye to those kids for the last time and then hop on board the bus to set off for a new and exciting life in a brand new TRUMP internment camp. Because, as you must know, you can never go back home once you have exposed yourself to the infection. As soon as you do so you become a transmission vector for the virus and you are now a threat to the very people that you claim that you want to save the country for.

And once you cheapen life down to an actuarial cipher in some nebulous and absurdly paramount economic construct, then where does that end?

Because I’m curious about just how far of a leap it then becomes from saying that the old folks should die in order to save the children, to saying that the brown folks should die, or the poor and the homeless folks should die.

Because here’s the thing; sooner or later your going to run out of old folks and someone must be sacrificed in Donald Trump’s twisted and indifferent version of America. The version in which the ultimate sacrifice must be made by everyone but him.

And then please tell me just which children that the country should be saved for? Are some children more deserving of this distopian inheritance than others?

Trump loves to make pronouncements that he repeats over and over until they are accepted as reasonable and coherent (though they never are) by a confused and beleaguered public, pronouncements such as “we can’t let the cure be worse than the disease…”

The fuck does that even mean?

Answer: it means that Donald Trump cares more about an economy that he can brag about in his re-election campaign, than he does about the lives of the people that drive that economy.

An easy trade for a man that wants all of the credit and accepts none of the responsibility.

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One Response to Sacrificial lamb, meet Judas goat

  1. nan says:

    Awesome. Very well said.

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